
Monday, August 4, 2014

New School Year

So tomorrow we begin our new school year. We started last Tuesday and kiddos come tomorrow!! When I got this job last year, the school had been in session for almost month and I did not get to be part of the beginning of the year training! This year will be first time I ever do that :D Nevertheless, I get to decorate our main area aka Circle time/Carpet Area... it has the main bulletin board where I get to display everyday things that we need to look through. 

This is our main bulletin board. Bright from the Start does not emphasize on Calendar... We do days of the week, months of the year (through song) and the date (morning message). Hence the simple calendar which stays up so we can countdown to special occasions (birthdays, Christmas, etc) 

The Weather Chart that you see hanging on the board (sorry for no close up!) came from Teachers Pay Teacher (FREEBIE). It has all the pieces that I put together on black cardstock/construction paper and laminated it. 

This little tattle chart came from The Silver Lining (Another Freebie).... It is  super cute chart which explains difference between tattling and something worth telling the teacher. The Kelso chart came from google images. I was going to find a turtle and called it Tattle Turtle... but since this chart has a frog... I bought a small frog and call him Tattle Kelso ;) 

Next I made my Birthday calendar.... So you must have seen all these cute little Classroom Birthday calendars on Pinterest....that is where I got this idea from. Now usually we display the months in the this calendar serves dual purpose. All the supplies came from Michaels (use coupons and your teacher ID to get wonderful discounts). I bought two packs of 6 thin boards, 22 cupcakes, Black Chalkboard Paint. I had some yellow-green and various paints, sparkle glue and hole punch. I painted the cucpakes and board with chalkboard paint and decorated them. Some tack pins and s-hooks and our calendar hangs cute!

Next I made these pooh bear contact magnets for parents to take at open house. I simply found an image of Pooh I liked and copied to it Powerpoint file, enlarged it, added required text, laminated it and added some magnets at the back. It has teacher names, school number and class email. 

I also had these sign up sheets for parents.... easy way to collect email addresses and get permission to send them abcmouse requests. 

This brilliant idea came from my assistant Ms. J. We were at training and the speaker was talking about making class schedule... We were discussing about making a new one since the one we had last year was old. She said how about we make honey pots to go with our Pooh Bear theme :D ... I found a perfect honey pot, added clipart and required text! Easy peasy ;) Lamination is must!!

Last year we had a poster board with colored circles on top....I was not a fan of it...but we used it. Over summer I totally forgot about this until we went back for pre-planning and I remembered these pocket charts I had bought. Perfect colors to go with our small group tables :D Now all we have to do is click pictures and use the pictures so they know what table to go to... later in the year we change the pictures to names. 

So we got things in order.... set up everything way we planned... now time for the kiddos to come and for us to begin growing this year =)

Hope all of you have awesome school year this year!

Cheers =)